The Mosaic Studio
Simply Smashing!
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In this section, I will attempt to provide information regarding mosaic gallery shows, workshops and general information about mosaics in, but not limited to, the New Jersey area.

You are invited to email me with your own "mosaic news" or musings (including tips and tricks and pictures of your mosaics). If deemed mosaic-speak-worthy, I will include them on this page!

The New Jersey Mosaic Art Guild (website under construction) has a "sister" website... Our members include Becky Santora (Watchung, NJ), Jane O'Donnell (Peapack, NJ- me), Frank McDonough (Madison, NJ) and Pris Ewing (Ramsey, NJ). We meet once a month at various locations for mosaic "child's play" - this helps to keep the creative juices flowing!

We are in the process of forming the New Jersey Mosaic Art Guild, which will encompass the greater tristate area. If you are interested in joining us, please email me!


11/19/07 - 11/26/07 - Happy Thanksgiving!

12/20/07 - 1/4/08 - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Please go to our sister site for information on future workshops!

click here to view our sister site You can click on "Online Shopping" and view our new Mosaic Quilt Block Stepping Stone Kits which were featured in the June 2006 Premier Issue of "Quilter's Home" Magazine! You can order kits, tools, adhesives, grout & more to make your own beautiful Quilt Block Stepping Stones!